
Go Buffalo. Go Green.

Providing programming and training to under-served populations in WesternNew York. We create leaders in the Green Industry and Agriculture by engaging individuals, students and families in their own neighborhoods to develop healthy and sustainable programs so they can live healthy successful lives.

Allison DeHonney

Turning Interest Into Action

It’s one thing to grow your own food but Allison saw disparity her community and mustered into her service, developing Buffalo Go Green, Inc (BGG), a 501c3 nonprofit organization now preparing the pathway to nutritional success for individuals and families of Buffalo, NY. Allison set off with the social entrepreneurial spirit to fight health disparities and the effects caused by them through the creation of Buffalo Go Green.

Allison holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Business Management and is a graduate of the Certified Plant Based Chef & Culinary Rx. Rouxbe Cooking School. She was chosen to be a presenter at the 2016 Common Bound Annual Conference, presenting “Urban Gardens: Growing Health, Wellness and Justice in Our Communities.”

While the Board of Directors steers the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission, Ms. DeHonney provides her expertise in guiding the organization’s goals and programs assisted by an Administrator in-office.

GuideStar Seals of Transparency indicate that a nonprofit has provided key information to its Nonprofit Profile. This recognition shows commitment to transparency. By providing up-to-date information, nonprofits allow potential donors and funders to make educated decisions. Click here for our annual report.

Why We Do What We Do

Lack of knowledge of nutrition and eating habits contribute to the health issues that are abundant in Buffalo. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other health related issues that can be tied to food for prevention and/or mitigation waylay the full spectrum of redevelopment for this community.

Buffalo Go Green (BGG) sells at local farmers markets weekly from June to October; has a corporate wellness division where it embeds its services into local companies and universities; and programming for elementary and high school students where it teaches nutrition education and farming. But, it doesn’t stop at growing and selling fresh produce. No, the many facets of BGG’s programming work together to assure success.

With our new Food Hub on Zenner Street by East Ferry, Buffalo Go Green operates five 72’ x 24’ greenhouses along with hydroponic vertical growing container to keep the harvests going 12 months of the year.

And, our redevelopment project on Manhattan Avenue, well underway, will host various wellness programs, a teaching kitchen, 4500 sq ft of hydroponic growing 12-months annually, a small market and juice bar, education spaces, a community room, and our offices.